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Craving and Bullying Behind Wrestling
Lekisha Oliver

Dissention and hate are two qualities that most have inside of their psyche. Unfortunately, no matter how much one works to get past these two character flaws, they still exist. In WWE hatred has been showing it’s ugly head in the form of Bob Holly.

Holly, who has been wrestling at WWE for almost fifteen years, has went from a Sparkplug to a Hardcore legend in his own rights to a “bully”. When his apparent bullying tendencies showed up during Tough Enough 3, many basically snubbed it off saying that he was just showing Matt Cappoletti what would happen on the road if he would have to pay his dues. Even though beating like the co-winner of TE3 do happen each and every night in wrestling rings around the world, it is usually brushed under the carpet and only are spoken of behind closed doors in the locker room or one of those stories that is told on long road trips between shows. This time, Holly showed the dark side of the ring on MTV in front of the world and labeled himself as a bully. However strong Holly’s temper is, he has showed his temper once again on Rene Dupree.

Dupree, who is quite young in the wrestling business, has still a lot to learn about wrestling on the road with other people’s possessions. Even though Rene did partially earn his beating a few weeks back, Holly could have done it another way. Payback is an art, one that wrestlers learn from day one how to do, whether it be a joke that goes way too far or making sure that the particular wrestler in question gets a good shot in, instead of an entire beating. Though Holly had his opportunity to take care of a personal matter behind closed doors, he chose to work out his frustrations in the ring. The inexperience factor that Dupree possesses now will hopefully be worked out with the couple of good licks that Holly gave him. Watch the speeding next time Rene, especially in someone else’s vehicle.

While Holly may have been going through his own personal soap opera, the entire Raw and SmackDown rosters had their own dramas to deal with. Like the rest of the United States, cutbacks always occur in any company that are having a bad few quarters. This time WWE has had to deal with buy rates for the past few pay-per-views being down, as well as revenues down in house shows and televised shows, so like any other businessman, Vince McMahon did what he had to do to keep his company afloat, cut some of the best talent that he had.

All of the individuals have several more months before they can make their way to Orlando for possible dealings with Total Nonstop Action without having to pay a hefty fee for breach of contract, but when they are legally able, do not be surprised if a new crop of wrestlers, male and female, will be TNA bound. However, TNA and Japan may be getting some fresh blood pumped into their veins, but how would the Independent circuit benefit in the newly released dozen or so ex-WWE Superstars? Plenty. Talent that has just been released could demand several thousand dollars to go to any independent show in the nation, or better yet the world, but the fans would benefit more than the company. Seeing talent that had either been overlooked or forgotten would be WWE’s loss and the fan’s gain. Seeing a wrestler get into the ring with the fire and the passion that got him or her to the top of the game will show that the fans will finally get to see the true passion behind wrestling. Whenever a WWE star comes to the immediate area, make the short drive, and trust me two hours is a short drive, to see some of the talent that has made it to the top and it still craving to be back there.

That craving is in each heart that steps foot into the ring each night, whether it be in WWE, in TNA, in the Indy Circuit or in any ring around the world, the bullying may occur, but the heart will always be present.

For any comments or questions, please email me at

A special prayer goes out to Nashville’s own Bart Sawyer, who just recently suffered a stroke. All the prayers goes out to this veteran of the squared circle. For anyone who would like to read up on Bart, go to his online home at and let him know that he is in our hearts and prayers. Get well soon.

Thank you for taking the time to read up and hope to be back soon. With year five staring me directly in the face, I am thinking about doing a special interview for that fifth year. Any suggestions are welcome and send them to or go over to my site at and see some of the best of columns that are on the way up on a separate part of the site.

Thanks again and have a wonderful rest of the week. Happy Holidays

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